产品名称:安捷伦Agilent 钳形表
产品特点:安捷伦Agilent U1211A钳形表,安捷伦Agilent U1211A钳形表,Agilent U1211A钳型表安捷伦Agilent 1211A钳形表能够测量 1000A交流电流、交流和直流电压、电阻、电容、频率、二极管测试、导通蜂鸣
U1211A安捷伦Agilent 钳形表的详细资料:
安捷伦Agilent U1211A钳形表,Agilent U1211A钳型表
安捷伦Agilent 1211A钳形表能够测量 1000A交流电流、交流和直流电压、电阻、电容、频率、二极管测试、导通蜂鸣
U1211A Handheld Clamp Meter
Handle large current - safely
1000A True RMS AC current measurement
Small body and large jaw size up to 52mm
One-hand operation
Peak-hold with in-rush current measurement
Large backlight dual display
Capacitance measurement
Manual and auto-ranging for all measurements
CAT III 1000V and CAT IV 600V safety protection
安捷伦Agilent 1211A钳形表测量电流,电阻,频率,电压,导通,二极管测试,电容。
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