产品中心Products 当前位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 电子测试仪器 > 校验仪 > Hydraulic 测试软管

产品名称:Hydraulic 测试软管

产品型号:Fluke 700HTH


产品特点:Fluke 700HTH Hydraulic 测试软管,Fluke 700HTH Hydraulic Test Hose Description: The Fluke 700HTH hydraulic test hose is a 10,000 psi, 700

Fluke 700HTHHydraulic 测试软管的详细资料:

Fluke 700HTH Hydraulic 测试软管

Fluke 700HTH Hydraulic Test Hose Description: The Fluke 700HTH hydraulic test hose is a 10,000 psi, 700 bar working pressure test hose that features stainless steel and nylon construction. The hose uses self-sealing fittings with easy finger tight connections. The hose has very low volumetric expansion and a negligible pressure drop at rated pressures. Application: The Fluke 700HTH allows connection to a calibration unit under test from a Fluke 700HTP hydraulic test pump in use with the Fluke 700 series pressure modules. The 700HTH is compatible with water and non-corrosive oil. Included: Hose and fittings to connect directly to the Fluke 700HTP test pressure port Output connection is 1/4" NPT female with adapters (2) to convert to 1/4" and 1/8" NPT male Instruction sheet Material: Nylon, stainless steel, brass, PFTE, nitrile Dimensions: Length 1 meter, bore 0.3" / 3.2 mm, outer diameter 0.27" / 6.9 mm Weight: 2.2 lbs. / 1.0 kg Warranty: One year

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上一篇:Fluke 700HTH-1液压测试软管 下一篇:美国福禄克Fluke 700PMP压力测试泵


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